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Municipio de Ourém/ Municipality of Ourém

O Município de Ourém integra a cidade de Fátima que possui um Santuário mariano, um dos mais importantes a nível mundial. Anualmente, num país com pouco mais de 10 milhões de habitantes e periférico em relação à Europa, Fátima acolhe cerca de 5 milhões de visitantes.

O município de Ourém apresenta um perfil similar ao de Czestochowa: ambos possuem um santuário Mariano pelo que o turismo religioso apresenta um importante papel na atividade local. Além disso, ambos os municípios cooperam com escolas de hotelaria e turismo que preparam os jovens para ingressarem no setor turístico.


The Municipality of Ourém integrates the city of Fátima, where is located a Marian Shrine, one of the most important worldwide. Annually, in a country with little more than 10 million inhabitants and peripheral in relation to Europe, Fatima receives about 5 million visitors.


The municipality of Ourém presents a similar profile to Czestochowa’s: both have a Marian shrine so the religious tourism plays an important role in local activity. In addition, both municipalities cooperate with the hospitality schools that prepare young people to join the tourism industry.





A ACISO,  tem vindo, ao longo dos anos, a intensificar a sua actuação, sendo-lhe reconhecido um papel activo e interveniente na valorização da área geográfica onde se encontra implantada.

Colaboração com a associação de czestochowa na partilha de informação com vista a melhorar as competências profissionais dos jovens alunos de profissões turísticas em articulação com os empresários do sector


With the goal of representing any Business Activity in Ourém county and neighbouring municipalities, the ACISO has, over the years, intensified their actions and has being recognized as playing an active role at the economic intervention at the geographic area where it is located.

ACISO – Ourém / Fátima Business Association is one of the founding entities of INSIGNARE. As such, participates in the definition of courses to be taught based on the needs communicated by its members / entrepreneurs. This link has been found very positive since it adjusts the supply of training provided by the school to the needs of the business sector. Local/regional businesses need qualified tourism professionals in order to meet the expectations of tourists and thus contribute to development of a tourist destination.





INSIGNARE/ Hospitality Vocational School

Em Ourém, esta formação é da responsabilidade da INSIGNARE, através da Escola Profissional e de Hotelaria de Fátima, preparando os futuros profissionais do turismo. Na sua vasta experiência de formação, esta escola tem vindo a ajustar os seus cursos à realidade local. Assim, tem orientado os seus cursos de acordo com as eventuais saídas profissionais no mercado local. Os alunos da região que se inscrevem  nestes cursos têm expectativas de uma boa formação na Escola, bem como a integração no mercado de trabalho, nomeadamente exercem funções nas empresas ligadas ao setor do turismo.


In Ourém, this training is INSIGNARE’s responsibility, through the Vocational Hospitality School of Fatima, who prepares the future professionals of tourism. In its long training experience, this school has to adjust their courses to the local/regional/national/international tourism reality. So has guided its courses according to the possible career opportunities in the tourism market. Students from the region who enroll in these courses have expectations of a good training at school, as well as integration into the labor market, at companies related to the tourism sector.



Czestochowa City Hall  


            Częstochowa to jedno z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych polskich miast. Miasto leży nad Wartą, u zbiegu Małopolski, Śląska i Wielkopolski. Jej serce -  Klasztor Jasnogórski każdego roku odwiedza do 4,5 mln turystów i pielgrzymów z ok. 80 krajów.

            Częstochowa i jej jurajska okolica to idealne miejsca dla amatorów aktywnego wypoczynku. W jurajskie okolice Częstochowy ściągają amatorzy turystyki pieszej, wycieczek rowerowych, jazdy konnej, wspinaczki, grotołazi.

            Częstochowa jest jednocześnie ważnym ośrodkiem kulturalnym, przemysłowym i akademickim z ośmioma wyższymi uczelniami, kształcącymi kilkadziesiąt tysięcy studentów.

            Dobra lokalizacja, wartościowe tereny inwestycyjne i klimat sprzyjający rozwojowi biznesu sprawiają, że miasto jest atrakcyjne dla inwestorów. Wszystko to czyni je dobrym miejscem do życia, pracy i wypoczynku.



Częstochowa it’s clear


Czestochowa is one of the most recognizable Polish cities. The city is situated on the Warta River, at the confluence of Malopolska, Silesia and Wielkopolska. Her heart - Jasna Gora Monastery is visited every year by 4.5 million tourists and pilgrims from around 80 countries.

Częstochowa and its Jurassic surroundings are an ideal place to enjoy an active holiday. It offers great opportunities for hiking, cycling, horse riding, climbing, as well as attracts cavers.

Czestochowa is also an important cultural, industrial and academic centre with eight universities, which educate tens of thousands of students.

Good location, value investment areas and an atmosphere good for business development make the city attractive to investors. All this makes it a good place to live, work and visit.




Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych in Częstochowa


Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych jest placówką edukacyjną szkolnictwa średniego
z długoletnią tradycją. Szkoła składa się z Technikum Nr 3 kształcącego
w kierunkach: technik ekonomista, technik handlowiec, technik obsługi turystycznej, technik spedytor, 16. Liceum Ogólnokształcącego oraz nowo otwartej Zasadniczej Szkoły Zawodowej. Do placówki uczęszcza 700 uczniów.


Szkoła posiada nowoczesną bazę dydaktyczną. Utrzymuje liczne kontakty ze szkołami zagranicznymi w ramach programów europejskich dzięki czemu uczniowie mają możliwość wyjazdów na praktyki zagraniczne. Uczniowie i nauczyciele wielokrotnie byli laureatami licznych konkursów. Absolwenci szkoły są dobrze przygotowani zarówno do kontynuowania nauki, jak i do pracy.


The Secondary School of Economics


The Secondary School of Economics is a secondary school with a long tradition. It consists of Technical School No. 3 training in specializations of economic technician, commerce technician, tourism services technician and shipping and freight forwarding technician, General Secondary School No. 16 and new opened Basic Vocational School. 700 students attend to this educational institution.


The school has a modern teaching base. It maintains numerous contacts with foreign schools within European programs, so that students have the opportunity to travel to undergo foreign practices. Students and teachers were often the winners of many competitions. School graduates are well prepared both for further study and work.



Czestochowa Tourist Organization

Częstochowska Organizacja Turystyczna


Częstochowska Organizacja Turystyczna została powołana w celu kreowania atrakcyjnego wizerunku miasta Częstochowy i regionu w kraju i za granicą. Członkami stowarzyszenia są m. in. miasto Częstochowa, Związek Gmin Jurajskich, Klasztor OO. Paulinów na Jasnej Górze, Polska Izba Turystyki, biura podróży, gestorzy bazy noclegowej, przedsiębiorcy oraz stowarzyszenia i organizacje non-profit.


Do głównych zadań organizacji należy: rozwój funkcji turystyczno-pielgrzymkowej Częstochowy i regionu, poprawa wizerunku Częstochowy jako miasta kultury i religii; wspieranie działań mających na celu ochronę dziedzictwa narodowego, inicjowanie powstawania i rozwoju produktu turystycznego w oparciu o posiadane atrakcje turystyczne, promocja turystyczna obszarów działania członków stowarzyszenia, wspomaganie funkcjonowania i rozwoju informacji turystycznej.


The Czestochowa Tourist Organization


The Czestochowa Tourist Organization was established in order to create the attractive image of the city of Czestochowa and its region in the country and abroad. Members of the association are: the city of Czestochowa, the Jurassic Communities Association, the Monastery of Jasna Góra, Polish Chamber of Tourism, travel agencies, accommodation operators, entrepreneurs, associations and non-profit organizations.

The main tasks of the organization are: development of tourism and pilgrimage function of Czestochowa and region, improvement of the image of Czestochowa as a city of culture and religion, support of efforts aimed at protecting the national heritage, initiating the creation and development of tourism product based on owned tourist attractions, tourist promotion of association members activity areas, support of operation and development of tourist information.


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